Eine neue Versions meines Lieblingsfilemangers: worker 2.17.6

Eine neue Version meines Lieblingsdateimanagers worker hat das Licht der Welt erblickt:

New features:
– The event handling has been improved so the process does not wake up too often. That might be beneficial for laptop users to save battery power.
– Worker now opens a dialog when new devices become available to ask what to do with them (mount them, open volume manager or do nothing). There is a new option in the volume manager section to disable this behavior.
– It is now possible to sort the file list by file permissions
– The layout configuration has an additional option to apply the list view weight relatively to the active side. That makes it possible to set the current side to 80% of the window width regardless of whether it is the left or right side.
– There is a new command option –config to choose a different configuration directory.

other changes:
– HAL support status is shown in about window.
– Improved built-in configuration to be slightly more useful in case no other configuration is found.
– The button for editing the list of hidden devices in the volume manager has been removed, the dialog can be accessed with the secondary button function of the hide button.

– Improved detection of new devices. Sometimes they were reported multiple times or never (if they have been reconnected).

Auf einer Shell kann man auch mc nutzen, aber in der grafischen Richtung ist IMHO worker das nonplusultra. Konfiguration und Eingewöhnungszeit dauern vielleicht ein wenig, aber, und es ist wirklich so, für Tastaturfreunde die Empfehlung schlecht hin. Habt Mut und nutzt Ihn mal;)

Hint an mich: dpkg-buildpackage und neue Worker in Version 2.17.3 für Debian Lenny

Wenn an einem echten Multiprozessorsystem sitzend ein .deb gebaut wird bitte bei dpkg-buildpackage mit -j N die Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Aufträge erhöhen, wird dann direkt an die debian/rules für das make weitergegeben. Sonst hat das keinen Sinn mit den Multiprozessoren.
Somit habe ich dann mal wirklich Fix die neue Version meines Lieblingsdateimanagers als deb gebaut.

Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 15:27:28 +0100
From: Ralf Hoffmann
To: workerfm-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Workerfm-users] new Worker version 2.17.2


exactly ten years ago I have released the first public version of
Worker. I think it’s a good idea to release another version at this
special date. The new version adds support for tabs in the directory
view. The tabs are not completely independent but share the same
directory cache. The sort settings, filters and so on are also shared.
There is also a new command to change the tabs if you don’t like the
default key bindings (which are the same as in web browsers).

The new version is available at


Here is the complete change log:

new features:
All tabs share the same directory cache so if you select some entries
in a directory and you enter this directory in a different tab the
previous selection is available.
– added „modify tabs“ command;
default keys are ctrl+page up/down for previous/next tab and ctrl+t/w
for new/close tab

other changes:
– improved layout configuration
– made checks for bookmarks and labels faster
– updated Czech and Slovak translation (Thanks to Petr Korviny and
Stanislav Pavlica)

Best Regards,

Ralf Hoffmann

Ralf Hoffmann
Homepage: http://www.boomerangsworld.de

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