Lynis 1.2.6 Released – UNIX System & Security Auditing Tool
Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes.
New Attack sneaks rootkit into Linux Kernel
A researcher at Black Hat Europe this week will demonstrate a new, more stealthy way to hack Linux. At Black Hat Europe this week in Amsterdam, Anthony Lineberry, senior software engineer for Flexilis, will demonstrate how to hack the Linux kernel by exploiting the driver interface to physically addressable memory in Linux, called /dev/mem.
60 beautiful Fractals created with Apophisis Part 1
Fractals are becoming more and more popular between designers and they have a good reason for it -with programs like Apophysis such fractal creation isn’t tiresome process, just play with settings, variables, scripts, plugins and get unbelievable results.
Ein wirkliches must see…
Richard M Stallman: GSoC collaborative editing
It is very important to promote peer-to-peer methods of doing variouscollaborative tasks, because servers cause issues of control vsfreedom, and peer-to-peer is the only way to avoid them.
Designing a Scalable Twitter
Guy Nirpaz, Uri Cohen and Shay Banon came up with an interesting exercise as part of the recent partner training that took place at the GigaSpaces office. In this exercise, the students were asked to come up with a scalable design for Twitter, using Space-Based Architecture.
Aufräumen: Tipps für Fortgeschrittene
Für einen aufgeräumten Arbeitsplatz spricht vieles. Für eine aufgeräumte Wohnung ebenfalls: Hier haben wir vier Tipps, die rasch wirken und nachhaltig helfen.
Kann Mann immer gebrauchen, vor allem am Schreibtisch…
Your Distro is insecure: UbuntuUbuntu Server has one of the cleanest and easiest Linux distribution installers. However, in many cases, its designers choose to ignore security in favor of ease-of-use. The result? An install that is not secure by default.
Achtung so ein nettes SkipAds-Teil kommt zwischendurch…
10 Straight forward but proven ways to harden your LAMP servers
Das Minimum, welches man wirklich nutzen sollte…