Hi, okay – this is my last call for help. Currently I have one, maybe two people that want to help on the Linuxtag booth on June 24th – 26th in Berlin, Germany. Linuxtag is the largest Linux and Open Source in Germany
whith 10.000 expected visitors.
I think that two people are not enough to run a booth. If this call for
help does not succeed I’ll have to cancel the booth. So if you are in Berlin
during June 24th – 27th please be so kind and participate to the Debian
booth. You don’t have to be a Linux/Debian expert, just a little bit
motivated .
Thanks in advance
[1] http://www.linuxtag.de
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2009/LinuxTag
Alexander Wirt, formorer@formorer.de CC99 2DDD D39E 75B0 B0AA B25C D35B BC99 BC7D 020A
Ich würde gehen, nur leider hat die Renovierung meiner Rezidenz mein Geld aufgefressen und somit kann ich es mir nicht leisten. Würde mich freuen, wenn es Jemand kann…