Update des Clients für Dropbox auf der Shell
seraphyn@takeshi: ~ $ rm -rf ~/.dropbox-dist/ seraphyn@takeshi: ~ $ wget -O - dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64 | tar xzf - seraphyn@takeshi: ~ $ dropbox start
Bei Dropbox nicht vergessen encfs zu nutzen ;)
Für alles Private empfehle ich syncany
Syncany is an open-source cloud storage and filesharing application. It allows users to backup and share certain folders of their workstations using any kind of storage, e.g. FTP, Amazon S3 or Google Storage.
While the basic idea is similar to Dropbox and JungleDisk, Syncany is open-source and additionally provides data encryption and more flexibility in terms of storage type and provider:
Data encryption: Syncany encrypts the files locally, so that any online storage can be used even for sensitive data.
Arbitrary storage: Syncany uses a plug-in based storage system. It can be used with any type of remote storage.Even though Syncany is still under heavy development, it already supports a wide variety of different storage types:
* Local Folder: uses any local folder as storage. This could be any mounted device, network file systems (NFS), or any virtual file system based on FUSE.
* FTP: uses an FTP folder as remote repository.
* IMAP: uses an IMAP folder as remote storage. Stores file chunks as e-mail attachments.
* Google Storage: uses a bucket in the Google Storage service as repository.
* Amazon S3: uses a bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service as remote storage.
* Rackspace Cloud Files: uses a Cloud Files container as remote storage.
* WebDAV: uses one folder in a WebDAV as remote storage.
* Picasa Web Albums: encodes the file chunks in images, and uses a Picasa album as repository.
* Windows Share (NetBIOS/CIFS): uses a Windows share as data repository.
* Box.net: uses a Box.net folder as data storage.
* SFTP/SSH: uses an SFTP folder as data storage.
more to come …