Tiefgefroren und bald in die Welt geschickt: Lenny


Deep freeze

As you’ve probably read by now, the Installer Team has announced [1] the
availability of the second, and hopefully final, release candidate for
the Lenny installer. Testing of these images is highly encouraged.

Following the plan outlined in the previous release update [2], we are
now in deep freeze, which means that we’ll only be migrating to testing
packages that fix RC bugs.

Please don’t send other types of unblock requests, unless you assess
that our time hearing your reasons will be time well spent; thanks inHello!

Deep freeze

As you’ve probably read by now, the Installer Team has announced [1] the
availability of the second, and hopefully final, release candidate for
the Lenny installer. Testing of these images is highly encouraged.

Following the plan outlined in the previous release update [2], we are
now in deep freeze, which means that we’ll only be migrating to testing
packages that fix RC bugs.

Please don’t send other types of unblock requests, unless you assess
that our time hearing your reasons will be time well spent; thanks in
advance. (If you sent a request some time ago, please follow-up to the
original mail as soon as possible, in case it has been forgotten.)

We’re also deactivating the „freeze-exception“ hint file, which provided
automatic freeze exceptions for package versions that were uploaded prior
to the start of the freeze. A total of 1197 exceptions were automatically
granted, of which 983 managed to migrate in time for Lenny.

[1]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00009.html
[2]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/12/msg00006.html


The weekend of February 14th is going to be our tentative target for
release. We’ve checked with all the involved teams (which are many!),
and the date works for all of them.

The intention is only to lift that date if something really critical
pops up that is not possible to handle as an errata, or if we end up
technically unable to release that weekend (eg., a needed machine
crashes). Every other fix that doesn’t make it in time will be r1
material. Please be sure to contact us about the RC fixes you’d like
included in the point release!

(As an example of this, the new archive key [3] did not came in time to
make it into the d-i rc2 images. We assessed the situation, and this
only poses a problem for installing testing/squeeze with the Lenny
installer, and once the new key is in use. So, we’ll be updating the
installer in 5.0r1 for this. [NB: the key will be in Lenny in the
debian-archive-keyring package; only in the installer images is missing.])

Also, our intent is that there will be a „Lenny and a half“ release
half-way through the Squeeze release cycle, similarly to what was done
for Etch, where additional hardware support will be considered.

[3]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00008.html
advance. (If you sent a request some time ago, please follow-up to the
original mail as soon as possible, in case it has been forgotten.)

We’re also deactivating the „freeze-exception“ hint file, which provided
automatic freeze exceptions for package versions that were uploaded prior
to the start of the freeze. A total of 1197 exceptions were automatically
granted, of which 983 managed to migrate in time for Lenny.

[1]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00009.html
[2]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/12/msg00006.html


The weekend of February 14th is going to be our tentative target for
release. We’ve checked with all the involved teams (which are many!),
and the date works for all of them.

The intention is only to lift that date if something really critical
pops up that is not possible to handle as an errata, or if we end up
technically unable to release that weekend (eg., a needed machine
crashes). Every other fix that doesn’t make it in time will be r1
material. Please be sure to contact us about the RC fixes you’d like
included in the point release!

(As an example of this, the new archive key [3] did not came in time to
make it into the d-i rc2 images. We assessed the situation, and this
only poses a problem for installing testing/squeeze with the Lenny
installer, and once the new key is in use. So, we’ll be updating the
installer in 5.0r1 for this. [NB: the key will be in Lenny in the
debian-archive-keyring package; only in the installer images is missing.])

Also, our intent is that there will be a „Lenny and a half“ release
half-way through the Squeeze release cycle, similarly to what was done
for Etch, where additional hardware support will be considered.

[3]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00008.html

Hach da reibe ich mir doch persönlich kräftig die Hände. Freue mich schon ohne Ende.