Neuer Opera in der Version 9.64 angekommen

Changes and improvements since Opera 9.63:

  • Fixed an issue where specially crafted JPEG images ccould be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Tavis Ormandy of the Google Security Team; see our advisory
  • Fixed an issue where plug-ins could be used to allow cross domain scripting, as reported by Adam Barth; details will be disclosed at a later date.
  • Fixed a moderately severe issue; details will be disclosed at a later date.
  • Added Untrusted Rootstore Capability:
  • Opera downloads only the detailed information about untrusted (blacklisted) certificates when they are encountered
  • If download fails for certificate information in the list, Opera considers any certificate matching the ID as untrusted
  • Added version conditional fetching of certificate dependencies from an online repository
  • Fixed a problem downloading the CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
  • Fixed a problem that could cause SSL to deadlock in one state, hanging the connection
  • Fixed a problem that could cause the incorrect calculation of Certificate IDs
  • Implemented Extended Validation (EV) for cross-signed EV Root Certificates not shipped by default
  • Implemented preshipping of the Entrust 2048 CA (Certificate Authority)
  • Implemented Root Certificate fetching from an online repository when an intermediate matches a certificate in the repository
  • Improved support for weak encryption when importing .p12 private certificates
  • Prevented security information documents from being written to disk


  • Fixed a problem which created separate feed notifications; Opera now groups them together
  • Fixed a problem with the backspace key event in the Flash plug-in
  • Fixed a problem with inline find when no text was entered, and the Enter key was pressed
  • Fixed an instability error with the 64 bit Linux version

Die neue Version gibt es wie immer hier, oder man setzt in seine /etc/apt/sources.list eine der genannten Repositories ein. Wobei letzteres im Moment ein wenig Fehlerbehaftet zu sein scheint, da aptitude einen Fehler in der Signatur meldet und der “[color=#CC0000]Opera Software Archive Automatic Signing Key[/color]” [color=#CC0000]ungültig[/color] ist.
Ich hoffe, dies wird bald begradigt.