DreamLinux sucht neuen ForenAdmin

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To: Seraphyn
Subject: New announcement: New Dreamlinux Forum Admin/Owner Wanted
X-PHP-Script: www.dreamlinuxforums.org/index.php for
From: The Dreamlinux Forum Community

As you know, I have announced that I will be stepping down and offering the server and forums to a new owner.

If you are a dedicated Dreamlinux user who would like the chance to work alongside the dev team, and give back to the community by running these forums, please PM me.

The devs have left the decision in my hands, so I have decided to offer the chance to a Dreamlinux user to play a very big part in the Dreamlinux community.

A lack of free time has left me no option but to stand down and make way for somebody new. It would be a shame to see this community closed down, so hopefully one of you will take the opportunity to get involved with what is one of the best Debian derivatives in Linux today.


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The The Dreamlinux Forum Community Team.

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